Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Unprojected Mole Removal

Today I cut Connor's hair. Again, which in itself is a little wonder. Poor Connor. Well, at least he has something to remember me by :) I had to leave my indellible mark.

I don't have a picture to post, because he protested both of the ones I took, and having already put him through all that trauma, I didn't have the heart to go through with it. Not that the haircut was bad. Actually, he looks great. We can see his head now...that's good. It's just that he wasn't prepared for Unprojected Mole Removal when I shaved the peach fuzz off his neck...

The trouble was that the clippers were set wrong, so no matter how hard I pressed down, I couldn't get the hair to detach itself. And of course it wasn't my neck, so I couldn't feel it, and I didn't notice how red it was getting. Well anyway, I sure don't know you could manage to remove skin without removing hair...

Actually, there was no blood. No blood at all. He's fine. He should be coming out from under the bed any time now...


Kelly said...

Poor Connor!!

Anonymous said...

And still enjoy your posts...


Anonymous said...

yeah, he's still under the bed! Kate