Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Don't Start That!

(This was from yesterday, but I was in a hurry and forgot to post it!)

"You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you."

-Frederick Beuchner

Mom just read that quote to me from The Shack. She's been reading it, and after hearing about it from every person I've seen in the past three weeks, I can't wait to read it myself and see what it's like. I get to tomorrow. On the plane. ON THE PLANE, PEOPLE! I'm not really excited or anything. Nah, not me. Not excited at all.

Upstairs, three stuffed suitcases sit waiting on the bed and floor, and the bedroom is the mess of the century. I said bye to Flic last night. She's the hardest one, probably, because I have no idea when I'll see her again since she's moving to Utah. *sniff sniff* She thought I was starting to cry when I hugged her and she said,

"Don't start that!" But I totally WASN'T. I had something in my eye, probably.

We'll leave for Shreveport around 1:00 pm, and at 5:00. I'm hoping for

presence of mind

good conversations on the plane

no bribes, threats, or other harrassements...

1 comment:

lil diamond said...

You can't fool me... And by the way, I had to call my friend Doug, because I KNEW when I got out to my car that I was going to cry. And we all know that my driving is erratic enough that tears and snot mixed with driving is just a disaster waiting to happen. I am so glad that you made it safely. I eagerly await your first email and pictures. I already miss you, beautiful. But... I am so incredibly proud of you and excited about what He is going to do with you. YAY for being missionaries! :) Adventures at every turn.