Saturday, September 1, 2007


Jesus, Jesus
Sweet Unleaving Everstaying Warming Presence
I'm a candle kindled by continual closeness
With a bright bright Flame.

When I ran and hid I found You
Waiting for the one who
Told herself she was rejected.

She lied to herself but You said never mind
And told her to look upwards
There were stars
There were green butterflies
On bare trees in springtime
There was a pond rippling in the dark.

Jesus, Jesus,
Precious Holding Unrelenting Unchanging Unangered Gentle Person
Always Holding and Unsaying all those things that ever hurt me
That no one ever said
Constant Quiet Reverberating Presence
Enwrapping, Staying me
Setting me On Fire
Jesus, I love You.

(April 2006)

This one goes with yesterday's.