Sunday, August 12, 2007


My words are trembling
In their rosy skins
Waiting to be peeled and tasted.

Those are words I wrote in my journal a year and a half ago. My words have still waited and waited, and sometimes still trembled too...and I think now I'm going to post some poems. One today, hopefully another tomorrow :) That's all the explanation I'll venture right now.

I see You
Knee-deep in mud
Brave arms bared against the snake
As You wrestle with my life.

No wonder You were trained a carpenter
Strong and able to build and mend.

No wonder You're the Potter
For this audacious clay.

No wonder You were whipped
And nailed in blood to die-

Now subdue my soul to ransom
To know this passioned Christ.

(July 2007)


Anonymous said...

hey cass!
it was great to see you yesterday!
beautiful poem! love you

Cassie said...

Hey Jesse... you ought to start a blog, if you are allowed would be a great way to keep in touch.

love, Cass