Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bubble Gum Girl

She swings like flying bubble gum
With artificial curls in pigtails
Under a crocheted cap
Like a swiss girl or something.
Her cheeks are round-so-rosy-round and
The tips of her amber eyes slant down
Under the cap
To meet the ends of her smiling mouth.
She smells like bubble gum,
All small and pink and sky-soaring
She thinks she is a bird.
She thinks she is a fairy.
She thinks she is a princess.
She is.

(April 2006)

This is about a girl, about 6 years old, named Trista. We met in a park and the saucy little thing made me swing her for...well, a long time!


Bailey said...

That's cute =)

Anonymous said...

I like this one a lot!