Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Sharing Chewed-Up Crayons

Happy New Year!!! I like it that '08 is here. When the new year arrived, we were engaged in a crazy long game of Mexican Train Dominoes at the Reynold's house. I was the youngest at the table and everybody else was yawning massively and congratulating each other on staying up so late...but then, I may have been younger but I'm not accustomed to late nights myself. In any case, it was a pleasant time (though I lost BADLY) and it definitely beat last New Year's, when I went to bed at 2:00 am with the flu!

I feel like I have some blogging to catch up on. I spent the night with Lauren and Gracie a few nights ago, and we said a lot of interesting things (what else would you expect from three such sophisticated and enlightened personages?) and Lauren and I steered Gracie toward insanity analyzing ourselves and human nature and the cosmos in general. Why do we do it? (Analyze, I mean) I don't know. Analytical people NEED other analytical people sometimes, that's all I know, or they would go crazy too. I mean, you have to know that someone else Feels the Same Way sometimes, or the world gets awefully lonely.

We also need Gracie desperately, to keep us from analyzing ourselves into little wads of expired braincells. I love you terribly, Gracie :) Please, never feel wierd for not necessarily being weird in the all the same ways other people are. You are who God made you to be, and I'm glad you break the molds of all my snotty little stereotypes- to the dump with them! Not sure if that says what I meant it to say...

Despite all our analyzing, Gracie was the one who came out with the quote of the hour. Lauren started talking about Facebook and how she had started an account recently so that she could keep in touch with her friends from Excel. I coaxed her into showing it to me, if for nothing more than cultural enrichment. I'd heard about Facebook, but never actually seen it, and I hate the idea of wandering around in cyberspatial ignorance for the rest of my days. There is still a vast swamp of ignorance out there for me to wallow in.

So, Lauren kindly enlightened me. Gracie looked on with some disdain while we discussed how many "friends" Lauren had, and what online "presents" she could give them, and all the other quirky wonders of Facebook. Then she finally said, "Facebook is just a bunch of first graders giving each other their chewed-up crayons!"

As my "fieldtrip" came to an end, I concluded that I wasn't going to draw any conclusions about whether Facebook is a good or bad life investment. Everyone has a different life. Blogger is best for me at the moment :)

The niftiest thing about Facebook was the spot for quotes...I think that's great. I'll have to rig something up on my blog for quotes. Hmm.


Anonymous said...

Excuse me!...Ahem! Philosophicalness???
Oh please... :)

Cassie said...

As I once said, my labels are Pathetic (note the capital "P")