Wednesday, June 11, 2008

More From Jonesville

(Written Monday)

Dad and I are probably the mystery of Jonesville by now, after our daily and sometimes bi-daily walks through the neighborhood in this heat wave. I joked that we might just end up in the newspaper. For one thing, we’re the only people we’ve seen walking the blocks, and we’re probably the only ones crazy enough to be out in 98 degree weather, which is 15 degrees above average for this time of year.

Tonight as we walked by one house, we waved a greeting to a guy clad in a white sleeveless shirt and tattoo, sitting slouched on his front steps.

“Hot enough for ya?” he asked.

This morning we got “attacked” by “Rascal,” a cute little fluff ball who was, thankfully, all bark and no bite. Once I managed to pet him, we pretty much made friends. We met a shiny black snake, too, which made a quick series of S’s out of the road when Dad through sticks at it. We’ve also seen two deer, a hawk, and a whole lot of Flopsies, Mopsies, and Cottontails.

Tonight there weren’t really leftovers for all of us, so Dad and I visited a Chinese restaurant intriguingly called “Hong Kong Buffet.” There was nothing much Hong Kong about it, and neither of us thought the food was spectacular, but it was clean…so I didn’t mind.

The girl in charge sat calmly sorting silverware at a table in the back, giving us prompt attention when needed since we were the only customers for most of the meal.

My fortune cookie amused me. It said, “You are a lover of words. Someday you will write a book.” :) I don’t take much stock in fortune cookies, but it’s nice to hear encouragement, even if it’s from a random source!

After my long nap and more MickeyD’s coffee, I have no idea when I’ll go to bed.

God is so good to me. The knowledge of His life inside me and peaceful assurance of His perfect capability to provide for me and lead me through each day is what fills me with love for Him right now. I just appreciate it so much.

I don’t really understand life. I don’t understand why so many people’s lives are wrapped up in what seems the tragic isolation and littleness of illness, or old age, wasting away with no apparent purpose. And then there are the people who faithfully care for them…I know it is right and good and pleasing to God to care for the sick, the old, the helpless. But in a world where I’ve always been taught to find purpose and meaning and accomplishment in life, this looks like a waste. I have no idea what God’s purpose could be in all this, what it even has to do with His kingdom.

When I think of “God’s Kingdom” I think of young, passionate, able bodied people going and doing and being. But what about Ima Jean, giving these later years of her life to care for my great grandpa and others like him? I know everyone has a different calling before God. There are a lot of things about life I just don’t understand, but I feel confident leaving it in His hands right now.

It’s nice to know that His Spirit is in me, even when I’m sitting in a deserted Chinese restaurant over a plate of sticky food. It’s not really up to me to “save people” it’s up to Him to do what He wants with me. I’m like, “Have at it Lord.” I have this special sense of being “Sent” wherever I go, even if there’s no obvious reason in my mind for it, or when I’m not doing anything I really see as “important.” It’s kinda cool.

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