Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Cheerful Heart...

(Written yesterday)

So, I’m home now. On Monday I felt like I was being ejected into the week by something large and maybe rocket propelled. Yikes.

But actually, I have a praise report. My visa application is now in the mail!! The Letter of Invitation we were waiting for arrived on Monday, just the day I hoped to send the application out. God knows His timing!

It seems like there isn’t much to write about back here in “normal” life. But I guess that will change in six weeks or so.

Today I’m at the Shelley’s staying with Nick and caring for Mrs. Flo while Mr. Shelley and Kristin are gone. Mrs. Flo is at her daycare at the moment and I’ll need to pick her up in a little while.

Been thinking about cheerfulness and joy… The verse from Proverbs keeps running over in my mind as it has ever since it popped in last week:

“A cheerful heart doeth good like a medicine.”

This verse is so true, but sometimes I feel so uncheerful and unable to fix my uncheerfulness. But God’s heart is a cheerful heart. And He lives inside me…so I don’t have to worry about it.

He told the Israelites, “You thought I was altogether like you.” But He’s not. Whether I have the blahs, the blues, or the worries, Jesus still has a cheerful heart. He is still my medicine. He is still laughing and singing and dancing—all the things that cheer me up. So I can just lift my eyes up to Him, or nestle close to Him and dwell there in His happiness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol! thats funny! I can deffenently relate! =]