This blog is probably not the place to vent my grievances concerning small felines, but I may just do it anyway. Really just one small feline. Really not venting. Really just realizing that I don't want a cat of my own. Any time soon. I would much rather have a kid (I mean, eventually, and several.) At least you can clean them and they don't (usually) flaunt their hind ends in your face.
Love bears the sorrow of being separated from her adopted mother, Kaylee, with a tenacious loyalty I would, under more favorable circumstances, admire...but not at 5 in the morning.
Love believes with the faith of a saint that I will share my spaghetti with her, even when I've warned her countless times to the contrary.
Love hopes desperately that I will tolerate her noisy, nosy presence all night in the bedroom (she's dead wrong).
Love endures the unfortunate, reoccurring difficulty of getting stuck behind the door flap of her litterbox, and makes wise use of her detainment by leaving fragrant offerings for us.
Prophecy will be done away, tongues will be done away, even knowledge will cease, but I'm afraid Love will always be with us. Even after she gets another worm shot I'm not sure I will be all open arms.
However, I try not to insult Love to her face. Kaylee loves her like a mother loves her suckling babe, and who am I to douse that kind of loyal affection with the icy deluge of my misgivings? In fact, Kaylee's adoration of the four footed gray and white creature reminds me so much of my love and dependence on my own gray and white kitty at one time, that I am forced into a reluctant understanding.
When I was eleven, Emily was my baby, doll, companion, entertainer, and possibly mentor, and I'm not sure I would have survived the next few years of my turbulent inner life without her furry companionship.
So, where Love the Cat is concerned, I practice a policy of tolerance. While I am babysitting, Love roams the living room with the exception of meal times, when she is contained in the bedroom. During Bible time, she follows her exploratory nocturnal impulses at will until 10:00, when lights go out and Love goes out- to the living room/bathroom.
Kaylee shows her plenty of affection. All the love Love needs from me is letting Kaylee love her. After all, we don't always have to like the people we love, right? Or cats, I might add?
Love believes with the faith of a saint that I will share my spaghetti with her, even when I've warned her countless times to the contrary.
Love hopes desperately that I will tolerate her noisy, nosy presence all night in the bedroom (she's dead wrong).
Love endures the unfortunate, reoccurring difficulty of getting stuck behind the door flap of her litterbox, and makes wise use of her detainment by leaving fragrant offerings for us.
Prophecy will be done away, tongues will be done away, even knowledge will cease, but I'm afraid Love will always be with us. Even after she gets another worm shot I'm not sure I will be all open arms.
However, I try not to insult Love to her face. Kaylee loves her like a mother loves her suckling babe, and who am I to douse that kind of loyal affection with the icy deluge of my misgivings? In fact, Kaylee's adoration of the four footed gray and white creature reminds me so much of my love and dependence on my own gray and white kitty at one time, that I am forced into a reluctant understanding.
When I was eleven, Emily was my baby, doll, companion, entertainer, and possibly mentor, and I'm not sure I would have survived the next few years of my turbulent inner life without her furry companionship.
So, where Love the Cat is concerned, I practice a policy of tolerance. While I am babysitting, Love roams the living room with the exception of meal times, when she is contained in the bedroom. During Bible time, she follows her exploratory nocturnal impulses at will until 10:00, when lights go out and Love goes out- to the living room/bathroom.
Kaylee shows her plenty of affection. All the love Love needs from me is letting Kaylee love her. After all, we don't always have to like the people we love, right? Or cats, I might add?
Funny! I think it's pay back time! What a different perspective we have these days.
Ohhh...bless you for your valiant attempts to appreciate Cat! It can be hard to love someone else's animal...You also did what Nora Ephron's parents told her to do when faced with some situation, you "used it for copy". And that is a very good thing.
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