Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Precious Hospitality

I'm still thinking about our time with the Johnsons the other night. On Sunday night they invited us over for supper, and we had the most precious time. Just that morning I had been praying that God would give me a chance to have fellowship that night...and He answered!

We came at four, and were going to leave at eight because we were all tired and had a lot to do on Monday. But we stayed till 10! We felt so honored and blessed by their sweet, welcoming family. They made a delicious meal for us, and after supper we visited and Mr. Johnson and some of the kids and Connor played worship songs on various instruments. Others of us sang and danced...we (the girls and little ones) were going crazy dancing in cicles and I felt like I was at, oh, maybe a Jewish wedding or something. Like Fiddler on the Roof! That's sort of a far-fetched fantasy, but that's what I thought of. We had so much fun.

That simple act of hospitality and kindness touched my heart so much. It's so rare in our culture to be invited to a family's house and share a wonderful meal, and to be begged to stay till all hours. Being invited into someone's home is like being invited into their heart. You see more clearly who they are and what they truly value and believe. It takes some willingness to be vulnerable, but it's such a sweet blessing. I went away thinking, "That's what I want my home to be like someday."

1 comment:

Linda B said...

If it's the Johnson's I'm thinking of, then they certainly are a sweet family. So glad you enjoyed it!