Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Contemplating the Gnarled Family Tree

I will get to blog again. Getting used to working more is crazy, and yesterday, when everything suddenly cleared out of my schedule, I just layed on the couch all day with a brutal headache, too limp to read or anything. But, I'm happy to say, it went away, and today I got back to everything just fine.

I just got back from a pleasant little coffee time with my Mom and grandparents (Grammie and Paw Paw live next door, but I wasn't sure I'd ever get to spend time with THEM again either!) I sat and sipped strong coffee from a delicate tea cup while they discussed various ancestors and their eccentric names, colorful history, etc. There was the red-headed French aunt who tried to trip her older sister and sister's bridegroom at their wedding dance, Uncle Menos, who almost got horsewhipped for becoming Methodist in a very stout Catholic family, and then the six sisters on the other side of the family somewhere with names like Mattie Fay, Nelda Kay, Dorothy Lee, and Patsy Nell. Yikes. How can I be so normal when I have such tangled roots? And then, it dawns on me...maybe I'm not very normal at all! But then, none of us actually are.

Connor is standing over me with the cattle prod, goading me on to the next event of the day (youth group), so I guess I should go. And there's the dinner call. That, I can more readily obey :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better after your headache, and that you are blogging again :)