Monday, May 26, 2008

Downloading the Inevitable

"She gets kidnapped. He gets killed.
But it all ends up okay."

This quote from the back of the Princess Bride dvd case made me laugh. Connor showed it to me a few minutes ago. It's good to face the impossible :)

This morning I'm trying to enter the wonderful world of Skype. I have watched the boxes of the two shiny Webcams Gracie gave me for my birthday for a couple of months now, admittedly with some shame and dread. They lurk in the closet and ogle me with mild, silent taunts Technology! I want to run screaming in the opposite direction

But I'm also very glad to have the cute little eyeballs (they remind me of Mike Wyzowski from Monsters, Inc. The benefits of having them with most certainly outweigh the pains of installing them. And people say it's so easy, though I have my doubts. But. I have taken the first step. I have opened the box. Compared with other box-opening experiences I've had, it was pretty painless. The little eyeball is as adorable out of the box as the pictures show.

So now I have to dive in and try to download the inevitable. Heaven have mercy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey girl! have fun with whatever you have to set up! cause believe it or not I've got no idea what it is! have a great day! =]