Monday, October 22, 2007

The Camp out

Clean is a happy feeling. This is especially true after a camping trip :)

Our camp out went well, though I started out with a case of the sniffles and a bundle of misgivings. The happy camping words I listed in the last post were just optimistic attempts at a good attitude. I usually like camping, but I was pretty low on energy because of the head cold. I told Mom, with characteristic whinyness while standing in a kitchen cluttered in unpacked camping gear, "I just don't know if I'm up for this," and she said "You haven't even done any of the work yet!" Which was true. I confess, I'm not much of a fighter when I'm the least bit sick. I basically revert back to babyhood and wish I could curl up in somebody's lap with a blankie.

As I said previous to that unnecessary rabbit trail, the camp out went well. It was a lot more fun being with other families, (and probably cut down on my complaining.) The fresh air perked me up a lot.

On Saturday, eleven or so of us went on a nine mile hike on the Buckeye Trail, during which half of the group dunked themselves in a pool of icy water under a small waterfall that came down a chute. My crazy Dad was one of the dunkers. He was pretty animated the whole trip, because camping is one of his favorite things and he's somewhat of an expert at the whole map reading-trail blazing thing. All the non-dunkers sat on logs or took pictures. I refrained from the dunking business, hoping to avoid pneumonia.

On the latter part of the hike, Mary taught me her hiking technique of following the footsteps of the person in front of definitely makes you keep up! I trotted along behind Dad and Mary trotted along behind me pretty much ended up in hypnosis on my part! We had some interesting conversation, however! I discovered in Mary one of those rare personalities with whom you can discuss a subject analytically without actually having a debate. We both like to think and discuss, but really hate arguing. So we pondered aloud such questions as "If someone you know and trust told you to go jump off a cliff, would you do it?" Still undecided on that one. By the time we got home (to camp), I was somewhat dehydrated in brain as well as body :)

I made a new friend this weekend. Her name is Sarah, and she's five years old. I think she and Ethan are destined for each other, but that's just a matter of opinion :) Heretofore, she's always played with Mattie and Ethan, but this weekend she must have had an extra burst of friendly compassion, and latched on to me. While I was getting my shower stuff together after the hike, she came and plopped down on an air mattress next to me, observing my activities calmly from large serious brown eyes. "D'you wanna come see our camper?" she asked. I hemmed and hawed a little. She gazed intently at me for a while, and her eyes got a little more mocha every second. 'I've been waitin' for you all afternoon," she stated. I hadn't realized she knew I existed. Well, her charms soon had me taking a quick tour of the camper, and it was settled. We were friends.

Over the course of the weekend there were short bike rides, sightings of "Duckerina" from the dock, joint effort dishwashing, and a piggy back ride. I was thrilled. There's nothing more consoling than a small hand in yours, not to mention exposure to unlimited 5 year old imagination and a small head of tously light brown curls and bright brown eyes popping up everywhere you turn.

For some reason, I often get really mopey on camping trips, (too much time to think?), but thanks to Sarah, it was a very happy time! I think it was nice having everyone around in general. I 'm so thankful for our friends, for nature, for the perfect weather, for God's great love toward us.

There's a lot more to say, but it's time for some zzzz's.


Linda B said...

So glad you had a good time. You got home just before the bad weather hit!

Anonymous said...

Sounds as if the camping was good. Any pictures?

Cassie said...

Someday I will post pictures. Of something. But if I believed in evolution, I'd say that that picture posting part of me has not yet evolved...

Anonymous said...

so glad you had such a good time! who all did ya'all camp with? and what was the weather like? love you and hope to see ya soon!

Connie said...

Just a late comment...Daniel & Camila refer to Sarah as "dangerous girl." Not sure why, but I have my theories. :)