Friday, December 21, 2007

The Sewing Bug Bites

I'm happy to report that I have finished Ethan's knight costume! After the glich with the lining, I feared it was never to be. Actually, no, I never feared that exactly, but it was a headache trying to get that figured out. I now know that it is impossible to turn the lining of a garment inside out through only the arm hole. I know this is true, and I have witnesses.

The costume is by no means perfect, but I was very happy with the turnout, considering the Major Problem and my very meager sewing skills. I'm so thrilled to start being able to sew on my own, and to complete a project! I feel like I'm so lazy and undisciplined that I never accomplish any of the things I want to do, but right now I CAN SEW, so I AM GOING TO SEW.

The sewing bug has certainly bit me. We "happened to stop by" Hancock's while running errands with Grandma, and I impulsively bought five yards of pink and purple (but not obnoxious) flannel to make matching pj pants for Mattie and I. The pattern looks easy, and there is no lining, mercifully. The fabric was 50% off too, so what can I say?

1 comment:

Linda B said...

Oh, I'm so proud of you! You know I'm willing and able to help with any sewing problem. I did a lot of sewing today myself!