Saturday, July 14, 2007

To Do When Relaxing

Just so you know, I haven't given up on updating this blog. In fact, I've been waiting all week for this prime moment of Saturday-ness...

Earlier, a bit after 11, Dad came in and asked me if I'd had a chance to blog yet this morning(knowing it featured largely in my plans for the day.) "" I answered.

"What did you doing all morning?"
"Hmm...I slept. I woke. I showered. I, uh..."
"Relaxed?" he questioned. "Yeah! I relaxed." I agreed, just relieved to have a valid excuse NOT to have "done something."

In lieu of my extreme relaxedness this morning, (now lapsed into afternoon) I'm going to postpone even the activities on my "To Do When Relaxing" list and, well, relax. :) Congratulate me! Ciao.

One passing thought:

What constitutes being a "well adjusted" person, and pray, do any of these fortunate individuals actually exist?


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you have a chance to relax. =) I'll actually be able to relax this afternoon too! The swim meet ended early, surprisingly, and we were home by 2:30. I think I'll go put on my pajamas and make a cup of chai...

Cassie said...

oh yay, Julia!! I'm rejoicing for you over the short swim meet, the chai, everything. God so knows how much we can handle, and He's full of precious surprises! May you be blessed!

Love, Cassie

Linda B said...

Well-adjusted is so much a matter of perspective, isn't it? There are so many things in this world that we as Christians should never adjust to. I hope I never adjust to hearing foul language; to seeing someone cruelly treated; to thinking that the world's way is the only way. So in a way, as Christians we can never be well-adjusted to this world, because it's not our home. Our goal should be to adjust to God and his will for us. If we can achieve that we are truly well-adjusted!

Anonymous said...

hey cass!
glad you had a nice day yesterday! And glad that you got to post also! love you and can't wait to see you again!