Saturday, February 14, 2009

Winter Thoughts

What I'm missing on the street
Under my hat, under the clouds
Are all the yous I'd like to meet
Coming down this muddy street
And when the dark comes on the ice
On the shops, through the trees
I'd see you coming down the hill,
The sidewalk wending where it will
And on it just the eager feet
In spattered boots, in quickened stride,
Of all the yous I'd like to meet
Coming down this muddy street.

Nobody speculate...I'm just thinking of how nice it would be to meet up with so many of the folks I miss. Sometimes when it's foggy out my imagination plays tricks and I think I'm seeing people who are, in reality, at least an ocean away.

That's just a cloudy-day poem, but I feel fine, actually. It's just what came to mind at them moment. God is gracious, and His joy is strength for His beloved ones. I'm glad to be numbered among those :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is funny you mentioned that about the joy of the Lord being our strength. I was just praying for strength this morning, when it popped into my head that I should be asking is your joy, instead.

Love the poem and love you,