Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Swimming With Mr. Safe and Other Adventures

10 things I thought today :

1. Someday I will put pictures on my blog, but not today.
2. Did I burst my eardrum or is that just earwax?
3. How do you make cornbread moist? (besides adding cheese, creamed corn, or sour cream)
4. I need to relax, even if somebody is pouring liquid in my ear.
5. St. George is so dashing. I wish he'd come after me.
6. How long can I balance on a boogie board in the pool?
7. What's going on with Ukraine's government right now?
8. Ethan's new nickname should be "Mr. Safe."

(Ethan, protesting: I don't want to wear floaties!
Mattie: They'll keep you from drowning if you fall in the pool.
Ethan, eagerly: Ok, I'll wear 'em!)

9. Is Ethan ever going to get off the ladder into the pool?
10. My hair is growing :)

These are some of the deep and profound thoughts of my soul today :) God woke me up early this morning and I was delighted to find that there was less laundry than usual (mainly because there was more yesterday) but there were still lots of menial drudgeries to be attended. I did get to read to Ethan about St. George and the Dragon, and The Knights of the Silver Shield (wow, what an allegory of life right now...I love that story!) Click here: The Knights of the Silver Shield Scratch St. George after all, I think Sir Roland is my hero. After all, the man who can control himself is better that the one who takes a city. Or the girl who controls herself. Patience is harder than daring-do at times.

So there was Sir Roland, and laundry, and breakfast, and then swimming next door, which was, you know, diverting in its own way. Ethan was hilarious. He climbed my neck like a koala bear while I tried to calmly adjust him to the water (which was not even cold). He did have his floaties on, but couldn't comprehend how they might possibly save him from such grave peril...I carried him on my back, but after several minutes of the his death grip and and a close brush with strangulation, I opted for a more kangeroo like position, so he attached himself to my front, his hair poking in all directions and pouty blue eyes glaring frostily whenever I dipped into the water to much. Finally I put him back on the ladder and tried to persuade him to "swim." You know, "motor boat, motor boat," and all that. No go. "Come on, Ethan, just kick like this and I'll hold you up." "I'm not there yet," came the icy reply. Later, however, he did manage to inch along the wall of the above-ground pool all of four and a half feet...though he was only actually in up to his wasteline. oh well.

About the earwax, it's really not of great import...I think I just got a little violent with the q-tips after swimming. Mom poured alcohol in my ear to fix it somehow, and it is better. The sensation was something akin to being stuck in a cave near a flooding river while being tickled. Sort of like clausterphobia (is that how you spell that?), but in a spastic sort of way. Mom says she likes having liquid poured in her ears, so I guess one of us really needs help :)


Cassie said...

Your blog entries are so entertaining! It does me good to stop and read.

I realize God's love remains the same for me even when I don't get time with Him. His reaction to that has never been a pointing finger, but rather disappointment that we didn't get to be together and He's their eagerly waiting for the next chance! He's a true lover!

Cassie said...

Your blog entries are so entertaining! It does me good to stop and read.

I realize God's love remains the same for me even when I don't get time with Him. His reaction to that has never been a pointing finger, but rather disappointment that we didn't get to be together and He's their eagerly waiting for the next chance! He's a true lover!

Anonymous said...

YOU had water in your ears? i had a horrible case last night of water in my ears.

Your day sounded fun=) Luv Yah =D

Cassie said...

i did NOT post those two comments to myself! somebody is hacking me! or is that what that is? It was my Mom. oh well.

-the real cassie

Anonymous said...

that's exactly what i suspected! (creepy detective music)