Monday, June 11, 2007

Like an Ocean

Jesus, Jesus
Holy Lover
Waves of love
Washing over
Wrap me in Your sweet affection
Safely hold me in perfection
Of Your sufferings.

This is what came to my mind (and pen) yesterday when I was feeling small and sweaty and insecure and anguished, and I remembered a picture God had given me a while back of what His love for me is like.

God's love for me (for you, too) is like an ocean. Always there, always full. Generally speaking, an ocean always has the same amount of water, but the water is always in its cycle of waves and tides. I'm always in the ocean, but sometimes it feels like the tide has gone out...When I question God's love, it's usually a question of "does He still love me?" He said He did yesterday, but does He still love me today, after I didn't make time for Him, or didn't do those extra dishes, or whatever. Does He still love me when my hair is cut? Does He love me when I'm sweaty and need a shower? I'm grinning at myself as I write...but really, I girlishly wonder these things. But He still loves me. "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" so I can never make His love more or less. It's always an ocean full. When I sit in the lamplight at night and just smile at Him, sometimes I feel a giant wave of that love wash over me. He doesn't love me more, He just simply loves me, and as He so passionately expresses in Hosea 11, His heart is turned over within Him, and it swells in mighty waves over us...He is so powerful!!! May you be awash in His love and not be able to do a thing about it!


Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL! I can relate to that so well! I mean I do something terrible and when I ask Him to forgive me...he does! love you and hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

brings tears to my eyes...amen! God just led me to reread that tonight and it was such a blessing. Thanks for your willingness to share and be used...I love you!