Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Sky is Blue

Here comes the sun...or not...

After four (it has to have been more than that) days of rain with eight more forecasted last I heard, the patches of blue sky and sunshine this morning were a sweet surprise! It made me so excited I started singing a little ditty as I walked briskly up the bepuddled road. It goes like this...

Ever and always, the sky is blue
Ever and always, everlastingly true!
Ever and always, the sky is blue
Ever and always, just like I love you!

Sometimes the clouds come rollin' in
Sometimes the world goes gray
But we know the sun always comes out again
To say...

Ever and always, the sky is blue...

So don't you cry now
Don't let your heart get down
Cause even after all these rainy rainy rainy rainy days
I have found...

Ever and always, the sky is blue
Ever and always, everlastingly true!
Ever and always, the sky is blue
Ever and always, JUST LIKE I LOVE YOU-OO-oo...

It's supremely fun to sing :) All these rainy songs come to mind. Gosh, so many songs have been written about rain. Sometimes I wish I could sing like Norah Jones or Ginny Owens. Relaxed...mellow...sweet...

God's helping me deal with my anxieties. It's so cool! It brings me so much joy and bounce to be freed of those worries. This morning I told Deb about it as I flipped my eggs, and she said something about how thankfulness is the opposite of anxiety. That's very true, but it dawned on me that in this case my anxiety is really just rooted in pride...a fear of looking foolish or being wrong. My anxiety comes from trying to make choices that best help me avoid looking foolish. But if I die to my fear of what people think of me, then I don't have any worries! Excellent! And not worrying is definitely linked to good for now, humble heart=no anxiety=energy and joy!

Last night I got to talk with my family for a long time on Skype/their phone. It was great. It was Dad's birthday, so I called. While I was hidden away upstairs doing that, other excitement was going on downstairs. Our Drama Queen Bronnie burst into the room panting,

"Broderic cut his head and it's bleeding all over the place!!" Since there were plenty of adults downstairs already, I stayed put, but sure enough, Rodge had gashed his head on one of the cabinets in the living room and Bruce had to take him to a nearby town to get a few stitches. This morning when I came in, he looked a little wan, but otherwise fine, with a wad of gauze stuck to his forhead. Of all the things there are in this place for the kids to injure themselves on...gaping holes, balconies, metal bars, beer bottles, nails...I found it ironic that he hit his head on a shelf. There are lots of angels on duty, I think.

This morning we were out of water because the hose got left on outside and the well ran down. Oops. But it's slowly filling back up. We'll just use it sparingly for today till it's back up to normal. So far water supply has been good. We weren't sure how much the well would hold at first, so we were really trying to conserve water, but it seems that we have a decent amount. Since there's not hot water yet it's not like anyone wants to take a long shower or anything :)

Today Uncle Neil and Auntie Noline are leaving :( I've enjoyed them being here, and I'll miss their presence and extra element of fun around the house. It's a shame they're leaving just when I got comfortable being called things like "cheeky beast" and "gunk." I enjoyed getting cooking tips, spontaneous lessons on marriage, and a general idea of how to lay carpet and put doors their hinges :) Oh, and Uncle Neil's hugs. I know they'll miss their grandkids, and their grandkids will miss them.

So I'll be moving back to the Crowes' in the next day or so. I've liked being at the Gollans', and I think it was good timing, but it's going to be nice not to feel so scattered between two houses. I'm getting to feel at home in both homes...but it's still two places that I want to be at once, which, as I remember, is almost a direct definition of "frustration" in the dictionary. But both families (Crowes and Gollans) have really given themselves and their welcomes to me, and I'm very grateful.

It's clouding up again, but it was nice to be reminded that that big round ball they call the sun does indeed continue to exist...I really don't mind the rain :)

"Looks like the sky is cavin' in again
Dry and cracked, the sky goes black,
And tut tut it looks like rain..."

I just thought of that Switchfoot song. My mind is just on the

Now that the water is coming back, maybe something should be done about the dishes...hmmm...Surely there's something else to write about. I guess not. God is faithful, and I'm so thankful to Him for making my way straight and lighting my path.

Oh, and I'm tired of my labels on this blog...they're too general I think I won't use them any more. Goodbye, labels...


Connor said...

There are so many things for the kids to hurt themselves on like balconies, gaping holes, bottles? No wander you guys had such a good time with uncle Neil and Auntie Noline. Just kidding :)

Hey, you know if you stopped trying to come up with unique labels for your posts and just made them incredibly general they would be unique. It's kind of like a circle,their's general labels, good labels, unique labels, and then labels that are so general their really unique........or something like that.

Connor said...
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Connie said...

When we moved to Spokane (back in prehistoric times, like 1982) I remember that the sun did not shine from November to April!!! It was overcast for 6 months!! And we had just moved from Colorado, the "blue sky" state! Ugh. I do hope y'all fare better than we did. It WAS a northern state, y'know. :) I have such joy when I think of you, Cassie, living a life full of exploits for the Lord...even if they seem like small things, they are still exploits, and He sees. Mt. 6

Anonymous said...

I love the poem. You may not sing like Ginny Owens but you sure can sound like Milne when you want to.
I'm proud of you Cass!