Thursday, November 29, 2007

They tell me I'm a Winner...

I did it! I officially reached 50,000 words...or 50,236 to be exact, as I only dreamed of doing a month ago. I'm so glad to know...just to know that I COULD. Now, finishing the "novel," as they so flatteringly call in on the Nano website, is going to be another challenge that feels completely out of my league. I think I'm going to take a few days off and relax, ponder, and...pray.

And now I can get back to blogging! :)


Linda B said...

Oh, good for you! I knew you could do it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! :)

Bailey said...

yay! go cassie!

Julia said...

Great job,Cass!

Anonymous said...

CONGRADULATIONS CASSIE! you did it! now you need to go out and celabrate! you did it! way 2 go!
love you!