Saturday, May 12, 2007

People and Personalness and Contentment

May 12. A good day has passed. Today was my dear friend Chelsea's graduation...among others (I mean others graduated...Ashley, Meredith, and Laura are my friends too, only I've known Chels a quite long time :) We went to her house for a nice party afterwards.

Got to meet her friend Charlotte from the junior college...she's actually from Hong Kong! I was very excited to meet her and really enjoyed getting to know her as a person over the afternoon. She's so sweet, pretty, inquisitive, and fun to talk to!

I just thank God for personal conversations. I couldn't survive life without connecting with a human being and being able to say those two, super-precious words: "Me Too."

I must be off to bed, but want to leave a parting thought...

My life prayer right now is for contentment. I read in a book recently that Fanny Crosby (blind hymn writer over a hundred yrs ago) determined at the young age of about eight that, despite her blindness, she would always hide the "jewel of contentment" in her heart. That meant refusing to complain about her lot, refusing to dwell on complaints inside. Refusing to regret and be wistful. What could I have to be discontent about, you might ask? After all, I've just graduated, and the world seems virtually at my fingertips. Youth, Health, Friends, Family, God's amazing Care and Grace are on my side...well, its the little foxes that ruin the vineyard. It's the chinks in your happiness that rub. Like Fanny Crosby, I claim the Jewel of Contentment. I want to learn to polish it...and I hope it will shine all my life.

Here is the definition of contentment by Jeremiah Borroughs (I'm not familiar with him, I got this quote from a book entitled "Believing God for His Best," which I recieved as a grad gift.)

Contentment is: "a sweet, gracious form of Spirit which freely submits to and delights in God's wise and fatherly disposal in every condition."

There we go.


Lauren S. said...

Amen, So be it!

Anonymous said...

yes! Chelsea's grad was great and it was good to see you Cass!

Anonymous said...

thanks again for your encouragement and the talk about contentment...I'm so glad God knows just what I need before I need it! Contentment was sure what I needed later that evening! =) So thank you for listening, for loving me, and for your friendship. Have a beautiful day!

Anonymous said...

Missed You Yesterday Cass!Lot's of Love