Friday, April 13, 2007

This Moment

Thank You, God
For bringing me to this day
And blessing me with this moment.

I don't know if my subconscious picked these words up somewhere or if God just gave them to me one day...but they just draw the thankfulness out of my heart to God. He's been faithful to lead me all my days, and today He is faithful once more. It's raining and I'm getting to blog after a day of housework and English assignments (My last ones, by the way...I'm very proud of that and at the same time kinda sad...I've enjoyed Mrs. Burklin's teaching so much and I'm so thankful for her selfless labor in teaching us...but its exciting to think of what's ahead.) Relient K is on in the other room...I can here my siblings yakking about something. Time to go and dig up some supper and go to Lauren and Gracie's waltzing\cha cha performance. Just today we decided to go, and I'm really looking forward to seeing them. Waltzing is really amazing when you find out what goes into it! I always just thought it was moving around on the floor! Now I have a very deep respect for it. Well...someday maybe I'll try, when performance isn't required :) Blessings to all.


Linda B said...

You think you're sad--I'm not sure I'm ready to give you up! But of course I don't have to. I may not be your teacher any more, but I can be your friend forever!

Anonymous said...

hey cass! i just got your gaduation invitation and i have come to say, "CONGRATS!" and your gaduation pic is really nice! love you and hope to see you soon!

Bailey said...

hey cassie!
I am so glad you got to come to the ball! it was really great seeing you!hey, if you want to take some dance classes you should take the Foxtrot with us;)luv yah!see u 2morrow

Anonymous said...

Bailey, Lauren and Gracie are already pulling my arm or leg or whatever the saying is...twisting my do the foxtrot. They should count their blessings, actually, because they got me to waltz in the living was tremendous fun, and the only kind of dancing I'm considering right now :) Actually, I'm dying to do it! The ball was lovely, very exciting to watch!
