Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Room

There is a place of love
Where not even questions go
Behind the stained-glass window of my heart
Into the sanctuary
World-wisdom hesitates
At the door; turns and leaves,
Silenced by a sight of profound intimacy
Doubt enters, only to incinerate
Paranoia passes into recognition
Of the Expert Lover
Sin is laved from me
By the blood of His own heart
The spinning world outside
Knows nothing of this knowing
I, in turn, am for a moment weaned
From its portfolio of counterfeits
In the place of love
Where not even questions go

I find
That You are no stranger to me
That Your LOVE
Has become my nature
That this PLACE
Has become my portion
That YOU
Have become my desire
That my HEART
Will continue to seek You
The days
Of my life
And I will dwell
In the House of the Lord

I don't know what to think, because this was supposed to be one poem, but it acts like two. Same thought, two different expressions. It starts in hopeful timidity and explanation and crescendos into confident truth. And maybe I'll leave it this way, because I feel that the movement signifies a sudden change that comes over our lives much as it happened in this poem.


Jono said...

beautiful words from a beautiful heart

Connor said...

cass I love it when you bust out the poems there. every time you put one out I think it's my next favorite. ha. Keep bringing down the house : )