Wednesday, November 25, 2009

In Which My Siblings and I Wage WW3 and Enjoy Ourselves Immensely

It is 2:00 pm on the day before Thanksgiving. Connor left for work just when I was enmeshed in the delicate process of conquering the world. Now the suspense is killing me.

I forgot how much I like to play Risk. I'm not much of a board game person, or a take-over-the-world-person, for that matter, but today I was getting a bit angsty over that land war in Asia. As it stands, Mattie is spreading herself out over Asia but growing stronger, while Connor camps in a small cluster in Europe, just recovered from a sweep into North America that dealt me a keen blow but did no lasting damage. I'm holding the Americas a bit shakily with Alaska badly exposed to Mattie's forces in Kamchatka and the cold uppermost reaches of Asia.

After some Thanksgiving baking this morning, the four of us sat down to a game of Risk. Ethan was on my team and has been my faithful dice roller, until the last ten minutes or the game, when the little traitor went over to the other side. He thought he would get to play for Connor when Connor left, but was thwarted when we decided to keep the game till Connor's return.

At the beginning, I lined up our extra roman numeral figures into lines by tens, fives, threes, and ones (ours were yellow) and Ethan expressed his admiration. ("That is so cool, Cass.") Of course Ethan would think that was cool. Lining things up is a hobby of his. He was simply admiring a fellow master.

Ethan dropped the dice at every opportunity. After retrieving them with his toes, he shook them ferociously for about ten seconds, scrunched his nose up, prayed for a good roll, and let them go. I'm not sure that his rolling tecniques have benefited us much.

Connor consistently reminded Mattie and I to take our precious cards at the end of our turns. Mattie croaked like a frog throughout the game, fighting off a headcold. We ate leftover lasagna while gambling the fate of Irkutsk. And now, we suspensefully await the return of our honored opponent and the end of the world as we know it.

1 comment:

Stephen Camp said...

Wait, who had Africa? And Australia?