Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Light Switch Sprays Air Freshener, and Other New Adjustments

"I've got the love of Jesus in my heart
And I'm so happy, so very happy
I've got the love of Jesus in my heart!

I've got the joy joy joy joy
down in my heart
down in my heart
down in my heart
I've got the joy joy joy joy
down in my heart to stay!"

Yeah! I do! I guess I haven't mentioned it on my blog yet, but I've just moved in with Masha, a Ukrainian girl a year older than me who lives here in Rzhishchiv. She has an extra room, which I'm now occupying, and we're sharing utility costs (the owners let her stay there for free.)

So I'm coming to the Crowes still and doing school with the boys, babysitting, etc, but I'm now living across town.

This was a big step for me because I've never been "on my own" before. Masha speaks english, so that's not a problem...in fact, it's a great opportunity to learn Ukrainian. I was a little nervous about the fact that there is no running water and the toilet is outside, and things are so different for me, but I knew God was saying, go for it, and I'm so glad!

I'm rejoicing because I have so much peace and life! God really does give me steps to obey Him in, and when I do, there's a huge blessing.

So, right now I'm getting used to showering with a bucket, hauling water from the pump down the road, cooking on a gas stove, and remembering to take my flashlight when I go to the outhouse. I'm just marvelling that things I would have dreaded and shrunk back from are more like little adventures to me now. God has really changed my heart over the past few years.

Last night Masha was in Kiev and got back around 6 or 7, so I went on a little shopping excursion to the "chicken store" and bought a kilo of chicken thighs, then went to another store and bought sauce, a pepper, and some toilet paper. It was only just after 4:00, but it was already mostly dark, but lots of people were out shopping. It was so strange and new thinking about cooking for two people!

I went home, found the key to the house, fed Nasok, Masha's German Shepherdish looking pup (a ball of fur and mischief if I ever saw one!) and brought in a few buckets of water. I'm going to be building a few muscles! Then I fussed with the gas stove for a while, accumulating a little pile of burnt out matches in the process. I've never cooked anything over gas except fried eggs.

I boiled some grechka, which is buckwheat I think...sort of like bulgur. It's very hardy, and I love it. After that I cooked the chicken with peppers and onions, and Masha came home, sporting her new furry winter boots :) I told her they look like Nasok (her dog!)...but I like them! The kitchen is so small and cozy, with the table crammed against the wall with only spaces for two, and really only enough room for one person to cook. It's like playing house, only for real. The first night I was there, Masha cooked yummy meal for us. I don't know how we'll split up the cooking, but anyway...

We ate supper and had tea, and she played with Nasok. (He only comes in some of the time.) I have so much peace just being with one person at a time. Not that we're talking all the time or always to together, but I don't feel torn between several people and things. My compulsive attempts at people pleasing can rest, and I think it's helping me to just relax more with the Crowes (which is what they want me to be able to do in the first place.) I'm so thankful for the schedule they've worked out.

So, there will be a lot of activity, but it's stimulating activity. I feel tired, but it's the kind of tired you feel from lively action, not from dull depression. There are lots of things to learn.

The first night, I walked into the bathroom and was looking for the light switch inside the room, when it was actually outside. I did find a switch of some sort however, so I just pushed it, and "Whssssshhhh!!!" clouds of air freshener sprayed out, fumigating everything. We laughed and laughed, and it made me remember the time I turned on a garbage disposal in someone's sink thinking it was the light switch. That'll make you jump! Masha asked "Is it always like this with you?" I'm afraid so.

So, there's lots more to write, but I'll make it later.


Anonymous said...

I WANNA BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so yah.....that sounds soooo cool!!
of course, I'm not the one who has to bring in the water, cook, and go out into the freezing air every time I need to go to the bathroom!!

Anyway.....Masha sounds AWESOME!!!!
glad that every thing worked out when you were moving!!

Love you....


Anonymous said...

forgot to mention........the light switch thing was HILARIOUS!!!!! I'm still laughing about it!!


Anonymous said...

thats funny! about the light switch in an out-house! =]

Greg and Edna Silva said...

What a blessing that is. Really. I guarantee you will be blessed by all the neighbors you meet and your appreciation of simple Ukrainian life. We get our drinking water from a well and you never know who you're going to meet there. Just look at the Bible. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you, Cass, this is a good move. Even when the new wears off I know you have what it takes to persevere, because you have Jesus.

Connie said...

It sounds so Little-House-On-The--Prairie-ish. I'm glad you're enjoying it. We are excited to see you in a few days!!!

Anonymous said...

It is exciting to read that you have a roommate and your own place now. I can see you hauling the water with a smile on your face. I apologize for not writing at all during this time. I have been accused of being a "silent stalker". Ha! Ha! I love your blogging and I'm excited to see you in a few days!

Bekah said...

Bekah was here!
Love You!

Cassie said...


Cassie said...

OOPS!! I didn't mean to use your account!! Sorry!!


ps. That was me who did the last comment by the way!!LOL!!