Wednesday, November 12, 2008

American gryvny?

Hi there, anyone who still checks my blog! I haven't really quit blogging, I'm just busy lately. Or sometimes the internet is off.

Today we had kolache type things for lunch (hot dogs covered in dough and baked) and the kids were trying to buy pieces from each other. (They thoroughly enjoyed the treat). I heard Broderic say, "How much will you pay me for this piece?"

Bronwyn: "Umm...a gryvny" (Ukrainian money)
Brent: "I'll give you an American gryvny."

Only I think it's supposed to be gryvna when it's singular. Anyway. It's fun to see them picking up words and things from this culture.

God has really been encouraging me during the last few days. This morning as I was listening to music I heard the words, "If He led us out, I know He's gonna lead us in."

That phrase spurs me on to believe for God's plan. I don't know what I'm doing exactly, or what God is doing with me, but I can trust that if He brought me to Ukraine, He's going to finish His work, both in me and in others around me. I have so much more hope!

I'm trying to collect my thoughts enough to write an email update, so I'll leave the blog now, but don't give up checking!


Lauren S. said...

I won't give up! Love ya. Lauren

Connie said...

We will NEVER give up, silly goose. Of course we're checking! 'cause you know we're praying, so we are compelled to check in and see what's going on, and how He is answering our prayers. Plus, we love your writing. Oh, and we love YOU. :)

Linda B said...

I check it all the time!

Kate said...

You're in my Google reader, so I don't have to check. Whenever you post, it just shows up! =) So yes I still read your blog. =)

Bekah said...

Yeah, of course we'll never give up on you! I love reading your blog!
It's so encouraging to read!

Cassie said...

haha, thanks ;)

Bekah said...

Hey Cass, You need to post Something! I hope your feeling well. Love you!