Monday, November 16, 2009

November has finally hit with a chill blast! I said something about Christmas music this morning, and Connor said not till after Thanksgiving, which I usually agree with...but I said, what if it never gets this cold (you know, the 50's) in December? This might be our only chance.

But he ignored me. His car, his ipod, his choice. But he did ask me what music I wanted to listen to, and he let me ride in his car, and...hey, it's not a bad deal for me.

So we drove off with our scarves wrapped around our necks, (respectively), humming along to Regina Spektor, which can be hard to do when she really gets up there. And I was thinking of how nice it will be to come home tonight in the cold dark and find my warm house again and a kitchen steaming with the chicken soup my Mom put on this morning before she left for work. And this thought made me very happy.

Human beings are the funniest things ever. God must have had a fun time making us. Here I am, sitting at my laptop in a gray sweater feeling small and grayish and composed, and across the table is this big fellow in a black and white t-shirt, with a lot of hair, periodically looking up at the ceiling between spurts of paper.

First he asked me if internet worked here, as I was setting up my computer. Then he went away. Then he came back and asked if I knew where another plug was. With the scrap of human kindness usually residing in my soul, sometimes farther in than not, I offered to move the table over and share, and that's when he set up shop across and over one. And began talking about how bored he was with internet down. And making money.

My little brother, Ethan, is a funny person too. Probably because he is so serious. A few nights ago, I was reading a book about countries that don't like America and it was making me blue, and I said, to the general audience of the living room, that the world is "so messed up." And Ethan, who was wandering around the couch in Robin Hood-ish garb and a wooden sword, said,

"No it's not." And I said,
"Yes it is." And he said,
"Well my world isn't messed up. And you shouldn't say that right in front of my face!"

This is entirely true and I should have apologized for my insensitivity to his little bubble. Yes. No matter how messed up the world is, there is still humor in it, and it's good to have people around to remind you, passing stranger and little brother alike.


Lauren S. said...

It's a good thing you saying the world is messed up didn't mess up Ethan's world for long. He might have had to use that wooden sword on you to get the utopia back. =)

Linda B said...

We have got to get Ethan and Jasper together. It sounds like they are cut from the same cloth . . .