Friday, July 3, 2009

Team Coming!

The last couple of days we have been getting ready for the team coming from Longview and Kilgore to have a "Sister Cities" seminar with business people here in Rzhishchiv. Exciting! It will be fun having six visitors. The three ladies will stay with Masha and I. It's so nice that we have a house so close by with plenty of extra room. God gave us such a good place...for free.

Yesterday I stayed home from the Crowes and scrubbed and vacuumed and did dishes and spent a lot of time packing my stuff. Even though I still have a week or so here, I wanted to pack the things I don't need so that there would be room for our guests. Plus, I will be a lot more relaxed knowing that I don't need to pack in those few days remaining after the team leaves. I can just enjoy time with my "family."

This is so weird, guys! I'm leaving and starting a new life. And it's like Masha said, "But I just got used to you!" It's both sad and exciting at the same time. I think I will just with the flow. I was listening to a sermon today on Luke, I think chapter 12, a passage that warns us to be ready when Jesus comes and not to cling to things. I'm glad that everything that really matters will be restored to us one day when Jesus comes. Until then we live as if waiting for a "heavenly city, one that is to come."

This afternoon it has been raining deliciously. I love rain, and it doesn't seem to rain in Rzhishchiv very much. There was distant thunder, but the rain was soft and gray, and between dishes and housework I snatched a moment to curl up on the Crowes' wide windowsill. I sat there, feeling the breeze in the window and just drinking in the smell of the rain and dust meeting, and hearing the gentle pattering, and watching the drops form pools and rivulets in the leaves of the grape vines beside the house. Mmm. My very soul was refreshed :)

God is such a good father, such a good friend. It's been so long since I really felt "in love" with Him, and I miss that. We have been on good terms, and I know I am growing in Him, but I miss those foolish, happy feelings of "wasting" time in His presence and liking it. But for a few brief moments, in the windowsill, my heart remembered what only my head could recall before, and I could feel Him as a blind person feels the face of an old friend and finds familar, beloved lines.

I want more of this.

Our visitors will be here any minute now, so I will go...


Anonymous said...

Gosh, I wish it would rain here. Its 102 degrees here with a heat index of 1,000,000,000. Sure you wanna come home?

Anonymous said...

Better enjoy that rain. If you see any at all here, it won't be rivuletting or pitter-pattering. It will be washing, rushing, and literally deluging. We have been having a heat wave, but if you get up early enough :) there is a dry, gentle breeze to be felt, and you can even feel the romance of His presence in a Texas heat wave.

I'm praying for you, Cass, in these few days left. May the Lord give you peace and guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus!

Love you,

Bekah said...

Wow Cass! I love your heart that just keeps seeking after God!

You the very short time that we got to know each other, you helped water the seed in my heart for more of Jesus, and just seeking after Him and falling in love with Him. I loved Him already but I didn't have a deep relationship with Him, and I wasn't deeply in love with Him, like I saw you were. I'm so glad God sent you when He did! You have been a great influence in my life! Thank you!

I love you, and can't wait till you get home! I'll let you have some family time of course, but I'd like to see you soon! :)