Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New Starts and Memory Blanks

This week I've been pouring my time into the details of getting into college. Yes, it's a bit late to be "starting" on this. That shouldn't actually be in quotation marks. I literally started on Monday looking up information on Kilgore's website. I wasn't prepared at all. I met with several large roadblocks. But after seven hours on the computer, phone, etc., and some sweat (jogging to loosen my tense shoulders) and blood (cut my leg on the metal filing cabinet while locating SAT scores), I was able to make great progress and somehow the worst of the roadblocks melted away.

After I finally quit for supper, I got a particularly encouraging bit of news concerning funds and promptly burst into tears. I'll never understand girls. Hold out under all kind of pressure all day, and when something good happens, we start bawling.

There's a long way to go, but I feel amazed at how God is making my paths straight. I am not Miss On Top Of It, and I'm not Miss Self Sufficient, either. I didn't "do my homework." And compared to "everybody else," I'm behind. I'm not even planning to take a full load this semester, but I keep on thinking of the Tortoise and the Hare! God has provided just right for the amount of work I feel comfortable with during this transitional time. Right now I'm Miss Standing In Awe.

I've been driving Dad's truck (I expected it to have died in my absence). But it's still chuggin'. Driving comes back to me with surprising ease, but directions...not so much. I sometimes draw a complete blank when trying to picture roads connecting. I keep getting lost on the way to places I used to know how to get to. It's a strange feeling. As if I'm trying to remember a map in a dream world, except this world is my real world. Oops.

1 comment:

Bekah said...

Hey, I havn't checked your blog in ages! I am finally caught up on that now! :)
Isn't it neat how God supplies everything we need! We don't even need to worry, because He know's what we need before we even ask and supplies it JUST in time!
Love you!