Friday, February 9, 2007

On Yogurt

I'm not posted out here I am again.

I just have some thoughts about yogurt I'd like to share. I just ate some, with walnuts in it. Makes a great snack, although it was fat-free, which is gross. Not that we tried to get fat free, but of the few times we ever get yogurt we somehow mangage to get the wrong kind... I just don't get the point of fat free yogurt, seeing as it's supposedly so good for you anyway.

A few weeks ago I picked up some yogurt at Walmart because I wanted to make some Indian bread. Of all the yogurts (they come fat free in pale blue plastic containers, and plain in other containers, in itty personal servings in strawberry, blackberry, peach, keylime pie, and every other flavor, they probably come whipped, oh, and there's a lot of vanilla...) there was but one brand and one kind of container of plain ol' yogurt. It made me sad. It made me lonely for India, where, if there was a Walmart, plain yogurt would line a kilometer's worth of shelves and people would squint at you when you asked for keylime. Really. So I took my plain little yogurt up to the cash register in a little raincloud of international disgruntlement and had a little pity party. I don't think it affected anybody much.

So this week, I was still on yogurt. I really enjoyed eating the plain kind (with fat) because it has a tang and texture woefully absent in other yogurts- vastly superior. While I had chicken pox (and a sore throat) I made an Indian drink I had in a New Delhi restaurant. It's called lassi (as in Cassi Lassi). All I did was put

1/2 Cup Yogurt
1/2 Cup Milk
1/8-1/4 tsp Salt

In the blender and blended it until it frothed up. It sounds wierd, but it was very soothing and that was pretty much all that could tempt my languishing appetite all day.

So yes, if anyone was reading my blog before, they may no longer. I just felt like getting on my yogurt soap box today. (Gracie!)


Anonymous said...

Hey, Cassie, do you ever try making your own yogurt? That's what we do and it's really easy. Acutally, I don't know if it would be so easy in the States, but maybe. You know, the nice warm temperature here is great for making it. I'm not sure exactly how you would make it in the States...we make it here with water and milk powder, cause that's all we've got if we won't be adventurous (which we aren't, or not for long!) and make it with fresh camel or goat milk. I guess you could make it with plain old store milk in the States. I don't know.. Speaking of yogurt, I need to go get some started. See ya!

Anonymous said...

anna- hey! its good to hear your "voice" :) Back from the wilds I guess? love you! Cass

Anonymous said...

hey cass,
um, I'm glad you like yogurt! and hope you feel better soon!

Linda B said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASSIE! I actually remembered on the actual day! We will do something to celebrate later. So sorry about the pox. It isn't fair that you had to have them twice!

Linda B said...

Ha ha! It seems I messed up again! ALL DAY yesterday I thought it was the 11th and I was so proud of myself for remembering your birthday! So technically I DID remember your birthday correctly--I just didn't recognize the correct date when it was here!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cass!
the yogurt/milk sounds yummy, i'll have to try it:) Luv Yah,